Captain America: The First Avenger
We instantly know as soon as we start
watching the title sequences that it will be set in wartime as we are
shown an iconic poster of Uncle Sam pointing at us. At that point we
will also know that it will be set in America as this is an iconic
American poster and Uncle Sam is an iconic American figure. The music played sounds quite heroic
suggesting it could be about a war hero. It also sounds adventure-y
connoting it could have adventure features. It’s quite an upbeat
song that doesn’t sound dark which suggests that it’s not going
to be a dark film. The music could be considered quite fanfare like,
which is associated with wartime and going to war linking in with
what I said earlier.
Near the beginning a shot of three
hands are held together in the middle, which suggests teamwork. Also,
they are all wearing different costumes; one is wearing a work glove,
one is wearing a suit and one is wearing an American flag costume,
which could also suggest that people from all different classes are
coming together and working together. This could suggest an
underlying theme of the film too – teamwork.
Carrying on with the theme of war, we
are shown a number of army looking aeroplanes,
suggesting/foreshadowing that there could be some action scene
involving aeroplanes somewhere throughout the movie. The fact that a
woman saluting is shown could suggest a romantic element perhaps, and
the fact that she is saluting could suggest she is part of the
Around the middle of the title sequence
we are shown a hand in a glove with a wrench, this could suggest that
there is some sort of manufacturing element somewhere in the film.
Also the fact that it is working on the 'O' in the word 'production'
suggests the making/ manufacturing of something which could have
significance during the movie. The significance of the 'we can do it'
poster could be significant as it could relate to the teamwork
feature again and the fact that it's a woman could suggest that a
woman succeeds in doing something important. The showing of many
flags of the world could connote that many countries are involved
throughout the film, and the fact that the USA flag is at the front
shows that it is the main country and maybe the most important
The fact that an explosion illustration
is shown could foreshadow events that happen later in the film. Not
only this, the colour red, used on the person at this point signifies
danger and evil, but it could also suggest a romantic element in the
'what about a nice hot cup of freedom?'
could signify something in the film, perhaps someone gets a sense of
freedom from doing something. The fact that this is shown could maybe
show that it's important.
The fact that all the different parts
of the title sequence join up in some way could show a sense of
merging between characters and that different people will join up
Overall, I think most of the things
shown in the sequence were shown for foreshadowing purposes, to
subtly let the audience know what might happen during the film. Also,
to set the setting, the period of time and the genre.